Reinvent how you service your customers


Mystery shopping is a tool used to assess the levels of adherence to the company’s standard operating guidelines by the front ender’s interacting with the customers. It helps to measure the customer service levels offered by service companies to its consumers. This technique not only provides insights into the company’s image on the field but also helps the company identify need gaps. This helps them take corrective actions to enhance the customers’ experience. A mystery shopping exercise consists of planting mystery shoppers in an outlet who act as routine consumer’s but, evaluate all parameters that contribute to the customer’s experience discretely. This includes the infrastructure of the outlet, display of products, service levels, ambience of the outlet, billing desk, and overall feel of the brand.

We, at Q&Q Research Insights, are seasoned at carrying out the mystery shopping exercise for an array of clients. We have been conducting mystery shopping since the last ten years and more across verticals like telecom, automobile, food and beverage, apparel, banks, personal care, and entertainment. Our feedback is based on ‘real’ experience which has helped clients in understanding ground realities, adherence to the SOPs, focus on service levels, and most importantly understanding how well the customer is treated.

Services offered

Monitoring Interaction Quality:-
Through these studies, we follow the quality of interaction happening between a customer and the service personnel. This throws light on the softer aspects of communication including the way of talking (politely, formal/casual, attentiveness, willingness to help the customer) along with the quality of information given to the customer and the ability to resolve customer’s queries.Ambiance Check:-

This mystery shopping exercise deals explicitly with checking the branding, exterior façade, interior element visibility, and maintenance of the branded outlets. The practice gives insights into how effectively a branded outlet showcases the brand value and how the different elements are maintained in the store.

Discount Violation:-


This exercise is generally conducted at automobile dealerships to check the discount the dealership is offering to the customer and whether it is within the limit defined by the company or not. A company needs to ensure that discounts are standardized across all the company’s dealerships, and nothing is given over and above the limits set by them. Mystery shopping at the dealerships wherein a mystery shopper in disguise of a prospective buyer asking for additional discount helps in checking the compliance levels. Audiotapes support the reports, and in some cases video recording is also done, using hidden cameras.

End to End Sales Monitoring:-


These studies are carried out a retail outlet to know how the sales process works in terms of making an initial pitch, documentation required, finances, discounts and schemes and then finally close looping a sale with product delivery and follow up call.

MBO Brand Visibility Check :-

Mystery shopping sheds light on the visibility of the brand amongst various others present in a multi-branded outlet. The mystery shopper not only observes the profile of the brand in the outlet but also checks the knowledge level of the person interacting with the customer about the brand. The client gets feedback on how his brand is displayed and how the retailers promote the brand.