Q&Q Attends the IIEX APAC 2023 conference in Bangkok, Thailand organized by Greenbook. Market Research Insights Farming

Pricing Research is an integral part of product development and ongoing brand management. Investing in pricing market research can bring several benefits to a company. Here are some reasons why a company should consider investing in pricing market research:

  1. Optimize pricing strategy: Helps you determine the optimal price of your product or service. It provides insights into customer preferences, willingness to pay, and price sensitivity, allowing businesses to set prices that maximize revenue and profitability.
  2. Competitive advantage: Understanding the pricing landscape within your industry is crucial for gaining a competitive edge. Pricing market research helps identify how your competitors are pricing their products, and its impact on your brand shares. This knowledge enables you to differentiate your pricing strategy and potentially attract more customers or increase market share.
  3. New product introduction: When launching a new product or service, pricing research can assist in determining the most suitable pricing strategy. By gauging customer interest in the product’s value proposition, assessing market demand, and evaluating price elasticity, you can set an optimal price point that balances market acceptance and profitability.
  4. Pricing elasticity and sensitivity analysis: Pricing market research allows you to analyze the impact of price changes on demand and profitability. By conducting price elasticity and sensitivity analysis, you can understand how customers’ purchasing behaviors respond to price variations. This knowledge enables you to make data-driven decisions about price adjustments, promotions, discounts, or bundling strategies.

Pricing research provides valuable insights into customer behavior, market dynamics, and competitive landscape, enabling companies to make informed pricing decisions.

There are multiple pricing methodologies that can be used depending on the stage of product development and presence of competition in the market.

Illustrates how as your product moves from the concept to launch and in market stage the methodology of price evaluation changes depending on the product maturity and impact of competition in the market.

Pricing Methodology - QandQ Agriculture Market Research Insights


DCM (Discrete Choice Modeling) is the most advance and sophisticated pricing model that we use for our clients. It is a powerful model that understands/ predicts how customers make choices between brands upon price changes.

We design experiments that presents customers with pricing options and scenarios. By analyzing customers’ choices, analysts can identify how they tradeoff between different price points. This understanding helps companies align their pricing strategy with customer preferences, ensuring that the pricing reflects the value proposition of the brand.

Apart from preferences, we also study elasticities – the responsiveness of demand to price changes. This information allows companies to identify price thresholds and make data-driven decisions on pricing levels that maximize revenue and profitability. Finally, you can run simulations and optimization exercises to find the optimal price point that maximizes revenue or profit. By considering various factors such as costs, demand elasticity, and competitive landscape, companies can use the modeling results to determine the pricing strategy that achieves the best balance between customer demand and financial objectives.

QandQ Agriculture Market Research_Priyanka Mallick_Mukta Sirohi_Megha Joshi_SeniorManagement

If this is something that interests you, do get in touch with Q&Q’s pricing experts and conduct your next pricing study with us. Whether it is a new brand or a brand in the market, we have solutions that we will help you gain insights into price sensitivity, assess the impact of different pricing strategies, optimize pricing levels, and make data-driven decisions to set your pricing strategy right.